As seemingly everything becomes more digitized, having the tools and wherewithal to navigate a digital-first world has never been more important.
Through the lens of education, we like to think of digital literacy as a student’s ability to use digital tools and technologies to work, learn and interact. Digital literacy manifests as both cognitive and technical skills.
Digital literacy is a person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities for using digital tools ethically, effectively, and within a variety of contexts in order to access, interpret, and evaluate information, as well as to create, construct new knowledge, and communicate with others. UNESCO’s digital literacy skills framework from 2021 states that “digital literacy and access are a basic right in the twenty-first century; without them it is increasingly difficult to participate civically and economically.”
The intention of this guide is to define digital literacy and highlight the associated knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to participate in digital society. It must be considered that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is delivered by the human mind using an algorithm that imitate us, so it must be continually refined so that it does not degenerate. Therefore, this guide can be used as an introduction to this kind of Generative Al.
WHAT IS Artificial Intelligence
1. A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers
2. The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior
(Definition according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary)
ACCESS TO BOOKS, AUDIOBOOKS, CONFERENCES: * Introduction to Generative AI , * Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models , * ChatGPT: Possibilities and Pitfalls
La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha convertido en una fuerza transformadora en la sociedad contemporánea, revolucionando una amplia gama de industrias y sectores. More information Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico de Monterrey
UNESCO’s first global guidance on GenAI in education aims to support countries to implement immediate actions, plan long-term policies and develop human capacity to ensure a human-centred vision of these new technologies.
With our increasing use of digital and online media, the way we interact with these forms of communication is having an enormous impact on our literacy and learning.
The book studies artificial intelligence as a new reality and a perspective direction for the modern economy's development, as well as its future technological basis.
The rapid and sustainable growth in digital technology requires individuals to have certain skills and competencies to perform tasks and solve problems in digital environments.
The objective of this study is to analyze the scientific production of digital literacy in higher education from 2012 to 2021 based on the Scopus database, and reveal the current research trends on this subject.
Digital literacy, also known as virtual learning, has the potential to improve lifelong learning. Workplace skills evolve at such a rapid pace that no school system can keep up with the continual need to alter how we work and live.
The results of this study will be useful for educators and students to establish guidelines on how to utilize SRLS to enhance digital literacy competence and hence lifelong learning as developing human capital for the future workplace is crucial.