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La conceptualización del espacio, teoría e historia : Videos





3.1.1 Grecia: características distintivas de su arquitectura

A day in the life of an ancient Greek architect -By Mark Robinson

Follow Pheidias, the chief builder for the Parthenon, as he supervises the construction of the new temple and faces charges of embezzlement.

La arquitectura griega: el teatro y otras tipologías arquitectónicas

Encontrarás construcciones de carácter civil como las polis griegas, éstas tipologías arquitectónicas necesarias para la vida en la polis o para las celebraciones religiosas como teatros, gimnasios, palestras, estadios etc., eran edificios que combinaban los ideales de belleza con soluciones prácticas de primer orden...


3.1.2 Roma: características distintivas de su arquitectura


                                       Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine




3.2 Conjugaciones del latín: el desarrollo de la arquitectura en el medioevo (románico y gótico)

                                                                                Fall of the Roman Empire -World History

                                                                                                                                          From the 3rd to the 5th centuries, the Roman Empire gets divided and less stable.

                                                                                                                                                  The Western Roman Empire considered to end in 476 with control of Italy by Odoacer.



3.3 Dialéctica en arquitectura. Renacimiento y barroco

Joyas Barrocas de México

La arquitectura de las joyas barrocas en el primer cuadro de la Ciudad de México, muestra la opulencia de su estilo. Nuestro recorrido inicia en el Templo de la Enseñanza, recinto plagado de retablos y columnas, continúa por los patios del Colegio Nacional, y termina en la imponente construcción del Museo de San Ildefonso.


City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto (UNESCO/NHK)

Founded in the 2nd century B.C. in northern Italy, Vicenza prospered under Venetian rule from the early 15th to the end of the 18th century. The work of Andrea Palladio (1508--80), based on a detailed study of classical Roman architecture, gives the city its unique appearance. Palladio's urban buildings, as well as his villas, scattered throughout the Veneto region, had a decisive influence on the development of architecture.


4.2.2 Escuela de Chicago y el rascacielos americano


4.3 Formación y difusión del movimiento moderno

                                       Architectural work of Le Corbusier

                                          Le Corbusier was a French/Swiss architect active in the early 20th century, and is considered to be one of the fathers of modern architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site covers some of his most important and influential works across the world, from France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, India, Argentina and Japan. Although we weren't able to visit the latter three countries, we managed to see most of his World Heritage buildings in the first four countries - enjoy!

                                       UNESCO Adds 17 Le Corbusier projects to world Heritage list

                                          This movie shows the 17 Le Corbusier projects that UNESCO has added to its World Heritage List. Heritage body UNESCO has added 17 projects by 20th-century French architect Le Corbusier to its list of internationally significant architecture sites, including the Unité d'Habitation housing in Marseille – arguably the most influential Brutalist building of all time.