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Contenidos Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño: Ebooks

Instrucciones - Carruseles de eBooks/Journals/Revistas

Carruseles de libros/JOURNALS/REVISTAS


¿Cómo agregar material a los carruseles?

1. Dar clic en  undefined (Add/Edit Panes) de la caja.

2. Para agregar contenido, se oprime Add New Slide.


3. De las opciones, seleccionar Book.


4. Buscar el material (ya previamente dado de alta como "asset" ) y seleccionarlo.


5. Cuando se despliegue la información, solo dar clic en Add.


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1. Dar clic en  undefined (Add/Edit Panes) de la caja.

2. Seleccionar undefined del material que se desea modificar.

3. De la ventana mergente, editar los campos necesarios.


4. Guardar:


5. Para guardar cambios y regresar a guía, dar clic en Save and Return to Guide.

titulo de seccion - ebooks- Arqui



Carrusel ebooks Arqui 1


3 titulo de seccion - ebooks- arqui


Carrusel ebooks arqui 3

4 titulo de seccion - ebooks- arqui


Carrusel ebooks arqui 4

Urban planning against poverty how to think and do better cities in the global south

This book revisits the theoretical foundations of urban planning and the application of these concepts and methods in the context of Southern countries by examining several case studies from different regions of the world. For instance, the case of Koudougou, a medium-sized city in one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso, with a population of 115.000 inhabitants, allows us to understand concretely which and how these deficiencies are translated in an African urban context. In contrast, the case of Nueve de Julio, intermediate city of 50.000 dwellers in the pampa Argentina, addresses the new forms of spatial fragmentation and social exclusion linked with agro export and crisis of the international markets. Case studies are also included for cities in Asia and Latin America. Differences and similarities between cases allow us to foresee alternative models of urban planning better adapted to tackle poverty and find efficient ways for more inclusive cities in developing and emerging countries, interacting several dimensions linked with high rates of urbanization: territorial fragmentation; environmental contamination; social disparities and exclusion, informal economy and habitat, urban governance and democracy.


Urbanisation is caused by migration. However, an essential difference exists between migration in the past and that in the present. This book focuses on several topics that include a comparison between an informational city and a smart city; urbanisation and human impact on biodiversity in Water's Edge Public Spaces (WEPS); a mathematical-modelling approach to urbanisation caused by migration; sustaining urbanisation in a developing economy; and urbanisation and cardiomyopathy vulnerability in an African male cohort.

Instrucciones Listado de Libros/Journals/revistas (assets)



¿Cómo agregar assets de libros/journals/revistas al listado?

  1. Dar clic en undefined de la caja en donde se desea agregar el asset. De las opciones seleccionar Book from the Catalog.
  2. De la ventana emergente, dar clic en Reuse Existing Book [importante: El libro ya debió ser dado de alta como asset previamente].
  3. Buscar el libro por nombre y seleccionarlo.
  4. Clic en

¿Cómo editar los assets del listado?

  1. Oprimir el botón undefined de edición del asset  y elegir lo que se desea hacer (edit, remove...)